photo: Paul Wade
So tonight's was a pleasant little letter.
After the high emotion of the last few, there's not a great deal going on here
We had the rare occurrence of a typed address, as well as the regular occurrence of camera updates. That Retina just can't get sorted.
I wonder can I find it?

And there you have it - the Kodak Retina I Type, made in German (#irony), circa 1945-1949.
How exactly did that work, I wonder? Were they still being shipped from Germany to the United States during the war, or had some production moved to the United States? Wikipedia does not say.
I will have to investigate further.

This is possibly the most shamelessly sentimental photo I have taken in this series - letter with glitter thumb nail and floral background. And after writing last time about the lack of sentimentality in this period.
That reminds me of one of Winnie's most haunting lines, "And after promising myself not to emote, too. My, my."
Questions of inheritance indeed.
Even though Jack's in the South Pacific, there's a palpable sense (or am I reading it in) of tension release after V-E Day. Things are looser somehow, even thought it's still hot and there's plenty of work to be done.
It strikes me there's some resonance with where we are - this sense of the worst of it (maybe) being over. It might not be. In some ways it wasn't then either.
But there's a lightness. Or a lighter-ness.
I felt it this evening in the tapping feet of excellently dressed older man, with a turquoise quiff and gorgeous shows, who, like me, was listening to the latest of our local arts venue's courtyard concerts series.
Then too, the sun is shining. This always helps.

Let's leave it there tonight, lightly, with a few of my street. Until next time, I remain
Your hubby.